Posts Tagged ‘cocalar’

Iata si postul cu numarul doi din noaptea aceasta, si sper ca ultimul (hai nu ma mai stresati la cap atat). Am sa fiu foarte scurt, si asa mi-am produs toate descarcarile electrice si neelectrice in celalalt articol/post/entry whatever.

Personajul din seara aceasta (hai sa-i zicem noapte, totusi e 1 si jumatate) este unul extrem de timid, pasional si in acelasi timp viril. Celest in tot ceea ce face, precum si in ceea ce spune, are obiceiul de a consuma licori euforice la ore tarzii din noapte, fapt care se poate manifesta intr-o beatitudine bahica la nivelul vorbelor. Dar asta nu e tot, personajul s-a obisnuit ca dupa consumul elixirului tineretii vesnice sa iasa din aceasta stare dionisiaca prin consumarea furculitelor de plastic, fapt care i-a adus si supranumele de „omu furculitza”. Va las pe voi sa deslusiti mai multe din randurile urmatoare.

Si nu, el sta la conducerea santierului, victima este o persoana de undeva din Suedia „agatata” pe MSN. Asa ca daca nu intelegeti engleza prea bine puteti sa va legati de un stalp si sa va dati drumul de pe un pod. Am zis, sunteti prea incuiati pentru siteul asta…chit ca aveti lopata si grebla in spate…nu e suficient. Daca, insa, nu faceti parte din aceasta categorie, eu zic sa va inarmati cu mult popcorn si vreo 2 lazi de bere, veti avea ce citi in seara asta.

me and my cousin Herbert (poza trimisa de omu_furculitza individului)

Niklas: Hey mate
omu_furculitza: hey
Niklas: Where are you from ? xD
omu_furculitza: Pakisstan man
omu_furculitza: why
Niklas: Aight , just wondered
Niklas: Can you teach me some of your language ? =p
omu_furculitza: yea
omu_furculitza: aaaeoae = my name is …
Niklas: Aight , how do you say you are cute on your language ?
omu_furculitza: ooeoaooae
Niklas: Thats like to hard for me to learn mate hahah xD
omu_furculitza: then u should try harder
Niklas: Well that sounded kinda wrong to me
Niklas: i cant get ooeoaooae to a word hahah xD
omu_furculitza: its pronounced
omu_furculitza: weeeaa
omu_furculitza: do this to zeb
omu_furculitza: ooaoeoooeee ooaoeoo oo_O zeb
omu_furculitza: he knows what this means
Niklas: aight xD
omu_furculitza: do u like pakistan girls?
Niklas: I dont know the girls over there mate
omu_furculitza: ohh
omu_furculitza: u should then
omu_furculitza: how do u say ” how r u ” in swedish?
Niklas: Hur är det
omu_furculitza: ok then i answer in paki : „ooaoeoolalnubaeoeo”
omu_furculitza: which means im fine thanks and you?
Niklas: in swedish ? xD
omu_furculitza: no, in paki
omu_furculitza: i answered in paki
Niklas: Yeah i got that xD
omu_furculitza: so if u ever meet a paki girl
omu_furculitza: she’ll most probably say „ooaeooolalnub”
omu_furculitza: which means how are you?
omu_furculitza: and you’ll say
omu_furculitza: somthing pervert
omu_furculitza: like
omu_furculitza: oaeooeooooaaeuo
omu_furculitza: = im only thinking about ur boobs
omu_furculitza: HAHA
Niklas: Dude those letters doesnt make any sence to me xD
omu_furculitza: they’re words dude
Niklas: Im confused like fuck now ;o
omu_furculitza: we speak hebrew here
omu_furculitza: they normally have 2 dots above them
omu_furculitza: but i cant has make dots rightn ow
Niklas: AIght
Niklas: i guess i need to be like alot better to understand your language
omu_furculitza: here’s hows it pronounced
omu_furculitza: o = o
omu_furculitza: oo = w
omu_furculitza: oa = e
omu_furculitza: ee = i
omu_furculitza: eee = ee = i
omu_furculitza: oooae = cuae
omu_furculitza: so
omu_furculitza: how do u pronounce this
omu_furculitza: oooaeeeoooaeooeee
omu_furculitza: this means titicar
Niklas: That doesnt make any sence to me but i guess im just to retarded to learn your language hahah
omu_furculitza: you are
omu_furculitza: hahaha
omu_furculitza: its easy man
omu_furculitza: you def have to be like ub3r retarded if you understand that shit
Niklas: Then i am a fakking mess xD
omu_furculitza: stay in school then ooaoeooe
omu_furculitza: u and zeb lol
Niklas: Fine ! xD
Niklas: hahahaha
omu_furculitza: what does your status mean
omu_furculitza: ?
Niklas: Du e fan gräslig men jag är strĺet vassare .. this ? xD
omu_furculitza: yes
Niklas: hmm
Niklas: You got me to think there xD
Niklas: Its like im better then someone xD
omu_furculitza: ahh got it
omu_furculitza: do u have a gf?
Niklas: Naah i had a girl in like 2 weeks but it didnt worked out so xD
omu_furculitza: do you like girls or boys generally?
Niklas: We were almost together
omu_furculitza: oh… so you touched her?
Niklas: i like girls
Niklas: depends on where you mean ? xD
omu_furculitza: on her nipples?
Niklas: Naah never got that far
omu_furculitza: ooh
omu_furculitza: so u never touched any nipple?
Niklas: Not on that girl no , just some kisses thats all ^^
omu_furculitza: oh nice
omu_furculitza: do u like boys too?
omu_furculitza: cos i do
omu_furculitza: …
Niklas: Naah im not into boys
Niklas: JUST as homies xD
omu_furculitza: yea me too i like to hang out iwth them
omu_furculitza: tell to boys : „ooaoeoeaoooeo ggaeaeoeo ggeaoeoooo goeaee”
omu_furculitza: which is pronounced : „weeeeee giggiry giggiry go”
omu_furculitza: turns them on
omu_furculitza: srlsy
Niklas: Well actully i dont want to turn a boy on haha xD
omu_furculitza: being bi is nice man
omu_furculitza: have u ever watched any sex?
You have just sent a nudge.
Niklas: I´ve had alot of sex with girls yeah
omu_furculitza: really???????????????????
omu_furculitza: is it nice.. ?
Niklas: Yeah
omu_furculitza: with underage girls?
Niklas: naah some 18 some 17 and some 16
Niklas: and im 17
omu_furculitza: ohhhh
omu_furculitza: i never had any sex
omu_furculitza: and im almost 20
omu_furculitza: my dick never gets up man
omu_furculitza: thats why girls dont like me
Niklas: Why cant you get it up then ? xD
omu_furculitza: i dunno
omu_furculitza: its really small and never gets up
omu_furculitza: have any solutions?
omu_furculitza: what can i do im desperate man srsly
Niklas: Try viagra ^^
omu_furculitza: whats that
omu_furculitza: ecstasy?
Niklas: and you will forget it dont stand
Niklas: Naah thats a sexpill so your dick will stand up for like along time xD
omu_furculitza: no man .. we have no viagra here.. im sitting here on my old IBM computer with my home made COKE and with my plate of natural rice…
omu_furculitza: we is poor here
omu_furculitza: i have never herad of viagra
Niklas: You can actully get it from a doctor tbh
Niklas: Atleast here in sweden
omu_furculitza: we have few doctors here
omu_furculitza: ppl shoot each other with rubber strapons
omu_furculitza: and paintball
omu_furculitza: and doctors do nothing
omu_furculitza: i once got a paintball up my ass
omu_furculitza: it almost went through my anus
omu_furculitza: and the doc couldn’t do anything
omu_furculitza: he asked for money
omu_furculitza: but i is poor man
omu_furculitza: i has no money
omu_furculitza: for food
omu_furculitza: and stuff
omu_furculitza: i can barely afford my internet
Niklas: Dont you get enough money from work if you work ofc
omu_furculitza: i dont work
omu_furculitza: i mean i do drive the pretzel car
omu_furculitza: im sending pretzels through all the country
omu_furculitza: u know those biscuits with salt
Niklas: Yeah xd
omu_furculitza: im trying to save some money
omu_furculitza: cos i want to come to sweden
omu_furculitza: where i live there are only 3 citizens
omu_furculitza: me my cousin and my dog
omu_furculitza: the other city is far away
omu_furculitza: like 40km
Niklas: Then i think you should come to sweden to ^^
omu_furculitza: want a pic of me?
Niklas: why not
Niklas: Gief xD
omu_furculitza sends: (me and my cousin Herbert)
omu_furculitza: me and my cousin herbert
Transfer of „ooaoecaoaoe.jpg” is complete. [hahahahahah ce denumire]
Niklas: who are you ? xD
omu_furculitza: the first boy
Niklas: With the green jacket `?=p3
omu_furculitza: yea
omu_furculitza: do u think im pretty..
omu_furculitza: ?
Niklas: Very
omu_furculitza: reallly?? omggg
Thats me xD

You have successfully received C:\Users\cc\Documents\My Received Files\Najs.jpg from Niklas.

omu_furculitza: oh ur pretty man
omu_furculitza: u has blonde hair
Niklas: Wanna see me and my friend when we have green hair ? =p
Niklassends: Open(Alt+P)
omu_furculitza: green hair??? i thought that doesnt exist
omu_furculitza: u have green hair??????????????
omu_furculitza: ur hair turns green at moonset?
You have successfully received C:\Users\cc\Documents\My Received Files\674 014.jpg from Niklas.
Niklas: haha yeah we put that color in our hair just fort fun
Niklas: for fun *
omu_furculitza: NICeee
omu_furculitza: what
omu_furculitza: grass extract paint?
Niklas: Yeah
Niklas: We are putting a color in our hair everytime we beat a girl in a test in school xD
omu_furculitza: i have no girls in school
Niklas: We have too many >.<
omu_furculitza: do u have beer in ur country?
Niklas: Ofc
omu_furculitza: we only has water from the river
omu_furculitza: we go with the barrels
omu_furculitza: and drink
omu_furculitza: thank god there is a river
omu_furculitza: or else we would have died of thirst already..
Niklas: yeah you probobly would have done that when you were like 5
Niklas: or even younger
omu_furculitza: yea
omu_furculitza: i dont want to die man
Niklas: no one wants except the emos but thats an different story
omu_furculitza: whats an emo?
Niklas: ha dude with long black hair infront of hes eyes and cuts himself for fun
omu_furculitza: they do that in ur country?
Niklas: Yeah they do
omu_furculitza: do u like music?
Niklas: Ofc i do , what would the world be without music xD
omu_furculitza: want to see the music i love?
omu_furculitza: its called manele
omu_furculitza: and its irakian
omu_furculitza: iraqi*
omu_furculitza: have u heard about Grand Production BURSUC ?
Niklas: no i havnt ^^
omu_furculitza: u like ?
You have just sent a nudge.
Niklas: i didnt understand a freaking thing but it was kinda good
omu_furculitza: yea its good music
omu_furculitza: i also listen to
Niklas: thats music ;D
omu_furculitza: ohh
omu_furculitza: yeaaaa
omu_furculitza: this u like ?
omu_furculitza: i also listen to this
Niklas: Thats more zeb music
omu_furculitza: so u like the first but not the second?
Niklas: Yeah kinda, the first was okay but the second wasnt just my taste xD
omu_furculitza: ohh
omu_furculitza: then u are a COCALAR
omu_furculitza: this is how we call it here
Niklas: what does that mean ? xD
omu_furculitza: the fan of that music
omu_furculitza: thats how we call it
omu_furculitza: im a COCATRANCER
omu_furculitza: ur only a COCALAR
omu_furculitza: cos u didnt like the second
omu_furculitza: if u want to be liked by the girls here, u have to be like me, a COCATRANCER
Niklas: haha aight
Niklas: Whats the time on your country now ? =P
Niklas: in your *
omu_furculitza: i have no clock here
omu_furculitza: ..
omu_furculitza: oh i do
omu_furculitza: its 12:30 if MSN is correct
omu_furculitza: i just got my comp man
omu_furculitza: 2 months ago
Niklas: is it 12:30 at the day ? xD
omu_furculitza: no
omu_furculitza: night
omu_furculitza: werewolves and shit
omu_furculitza: do u believe in werewolves
omu_furculitza: ?
Niklas: Naah
omu_furculitza: i do i once saw one
omu_furculitza: it was phospho green
omu_furculitza: with yellow shiny eyes
omu_furculitza: with a purple thing on its body
omu_furculitza: it was shining all over
omu_furculitza: we call that
omu_furculitza: a MINIMALIST
omu_furculitza: he was having a weird haircut
omu_furculitza: i think it was a werewolf!1!!!
omu_furculitza: i was scared man
Niklas: Well i can say this much we dont have any werewolfs in sweden xD
Niklas: We just have strange people xD
omu_furculitza: like emos?
Niklas: Haha like emos yeah xD
omu_furculitza: haha
Niklas: Well mate im actully going to bed now
omu_furculitza: ok man
omu_furculitza: take care from the emos
Niklas: 8 hours and 30 min to a new school day >.<
omu_furculitza: u dont want to be murdered by an emo while ur sleeping do u
Niklas: Naah i wont , they wont even come into my house before i´ve kicked there asses xD
omu_furculitza: hahaha nice ur violent
omu_furculitza: i like u
Niklas: Well im training kickboxing so they wont get far if they manage to come in here xD
omu_furculitza: nice
Niklas: haha yeah , well cya tommorow mate take care
omu_furculitza: ok mate
omu_furculitza: u 2
omu_furculitza: take care
omu_furculitza: cya